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News Metodologiche

GIMBE: Eventi, progetti, pubblicazioni e altre attività istituzionali della Fondazione GIMBE
Metodologiche: articoli pertinenti le aree del know-how GIMBE, pubblicati nei top-six journals*
Cliniche: articoli di ricerca clinica primaria e secondaria pubblicati nei top-six journals*
Sanità: notizie dalla sanità italiana
Eventi: congressi, conferenze, workshop nazionali e internazionali relativi alle aree del know-how GIMBE

*N Engl J Med, Lancet, Ann Intern Med, JAMA, BMJ, PLos Med

16 ottobre 2018

Inappropriate Statistical Analysis and Reporting in Medical Research: Perverse Incentives and Institutional Solutions

Ann Intern Med 2018;169:577-578

Data Sharing Statements for Clinical Trials: One Step Down the Road

Ann Intern Med 2018;169:581-582.

12 ottobre 2018

Open label placebo: can honestly prescribed placebos evoke meaningful therapeutic benefits?

BMJ 2018;363:k3889

9 ottobre 2018

Politics and Health Care

JAMA 2018;320:1437-1438

4 ottobre 2018

Will research preprints improve healthcare for patients?

BMJ 2018;362:k3628

Collaboration between academics and industry in clinical trials: cross sectional study of publications and survey of lead academic authors

BMJ 2018;363:k3654

3 ottobre 2018

Frequency and level of evidence used in recommendations by the National Comprehensive Cancer Network guidelines beyond approvals of the US Food and Drug Administration: retrospective observational study

BMJ 2018;360:k668

Key design considerations for adaptive clinical trials: a primer for clinicians

BMJ 2018;360:k698

2 ottobre 2018

PRISMA Extension for Scoping Reviews (PRISMA-ScR): Checklist and Explanation

Ann Intern Med 2018;169:467-473.

Annals Understanding Clinical Research: Interpreting Results With Large P Values

Ann Intern Med 2018;169:485-486.

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