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News Cliniche

GIMBE: Eventi, progetti, pubblicazioni e altre attività istituzionali della Fondazione GIMBE
Metodologiche: articoli pertinenti le aree del know-how GIMBE, pubblicati nei top-six journals*
Cliniche: articoli di ricerca clinica primaria e secondaria pubblicati nei top-six journals*
Sanità: notizie dalla sanità italiana
Eventi: congressi, conferenze, workshop nazionali e internazionali relativi alle aree del know-how GIMBE

*N Engl J Med, Lancet, Ann Intern Med, JAMA, BMJ, PLos Med

25 febbraio 2017

Risk of heart failure after community acquired pneumonia: prospective controlled study with 10 years of follow-up

BMJ 2017;356:j413

Effectiveness and safety of reduced dose non-vitamin K antagonist oral anticoagulants and warfarin in patients with atrial fibrillation: propensity weighted nationwide cohort study

BMJ 2017;356:j510

Enhanced terminal room disinfection and acquisition and infection caused by multidrug-resistant organisms and Clostridium difficile (the Benefits of Enhanced Terminal Room Disinfection study): a cluster-randomised, multicentre, crossover study

Lancet 2017;389:805-814

Diagnostic accuracy of multi-parametric MRI and TRUS biopsy in prostate cancer (PROMIS): a paired validating confirmatory study

Lancet 2017;389:815-822

Effectiveness of personalised risk information and taster sessions to increase the uptake of smoking cessation services (Start2quit): a randomised controlled trial

Lancet 2017;389:823-833

23 febbraio 2017

Tight Glycemic Control in Critically Ill Children

N Engl J Med 2017;376:729-741

Assessing the Risks Associated with MRI in Patients with a Pacemaker or Defibrillator

N Engl J Med 2017;376:755-764

21 febbraio 2017

Oral Pharmacologic Treatment of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: A Clinical Practice Guideline Update From the American College of Physicians

Ann Intern Med 2017;166:279-290

18 febbraio 2017

The effect of endotracheal tubes versus laryngeal mask airways on perioperative respiratory adverse events in infants: a randomised controlled trial

Lancet 2017;389:701-708

Living near major roads and the incidence of dementia, Parkinson's disease, and multiple sclerosis: a population-based cohort study

Lancet 2017;389:718-726

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